Our Services

Comprehensive One-Stop Support

Founded with goals of delivering an expansive range of services across a breadth of medical specialties, we deliver stellar care under a single roof. Re-defining convenience, one patient at a time.

Click below to read about the specialist

Dr Surjit Tarafdar

General Physician and Nephrologist

Consulting at Parramatta and Springwood

Dr Diaa Samuel

ENT- Head and Neck Surgeon

Consulting at Parramatta

Dr Brian Chuong

Respiratory And Sleep Physician

Consulting at Parramatta and Springwood

Dr Balaji Kalband


Consulting at Parramatta

Dr Andrew Lin


Consulting at Parramatta

Dr Harkaraj Kang


Consulting at Parramatta and Springwood


Dr Masnun Kayes


Consulting at Parramatta

Dr Shakti Dabholkar

Respiratory Physician

Consulting at Parramatta

Dr Hamid Hajian

Vascular Surgeon

Consulting at Parramatta & Springwood

Dr Faizur Reza

General & Laparoscopic Surgeon

Consulting at Parramatta

Dr Diaa Samuel

ENT- Head and Neck Surgery

Consulting at Parramatta

Dr Hamid Hajian

Vascular Surgeon

Consulting at Parramatta

Dr Faizur Reza

General & Laparoscopic Surgeon

Consulting at Parramatta and Springwood

Audiology Clinic

  • Paediatric assessment from 6 months of age
  • 6 months to 2.5 years – Visual Reinforcement Orientation Audiometry
  • 2.5 years 6 years – Conditioned play audiometry
  • 6 years and up – Pure tone Audiometry
  • Tympanometry
  • Impedance Audiometry(Acoustic Reflexes)
  • Speech Tests (age appropriate)
  • Custom made swim plugs (for children with ventilation tubes or tympanic membrane perforations)
  • Audiometric Assessment for Adults
  • Employment related hearing tests
  • Hearing Aid Assessments
  • Hearing Aid Fitting
  • Tinnitus Advice / Management
  • Auditory Processing Assessments
  • Custom made noise plugs

Medicare rebates apply for most assessments with an ENT, GP or Paediatrician referral.
All Hearing Tests $105.00

Medicare rebate apply for most hearing tests with and ENT, GP or Paediatrician refer (OOP approx. $55.00) – depending on which tests are performed at the appointment.

Please send all paediatric hearing assessment referrals to:

Address : Shop 3/23, Hassall Street Parramatta, NSW 2150
Fax : 02 8608 2263
Email: admin@agioshealth.com.au
Phone: (02) 8608 2262

Lung Function Test

Lung function tests, also called pulmonary function tests or breathing tests, are tests that can be done to find out how well your lungs and airways are working. Lung function tests can help in the diagnosis of respiratory (breathing) conditions, work out how severe a condition is, and help monitor the response to treatments.

They may make you feel a little breathless but should not be painful or uncomfortable. They include tests such as spirometry and peak flow measurement.

Lung function tests are often used to help diagnose or assess asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). They are also used to assess other conditions that affect breathing, including lung scarring and illnesses that affect the chest or breathing muscles.

Lung function tests for both Adults and Paediatrics are BULK BILLED.

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